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A Re-Introduction of Sorts... Hello.

GREETINGS! For some its been a long time, and for some this is a first impression, either way I bring you Peace and Light! I have been working in creative circles for almost 2 decades now, (unbelievable to say that out loud!) and yet I still feel that people don't really "know" me. I have spent the last year really leaning on my intuition, and trying to connect with those people who haven't officially had the chance to meet me and feel the vibe in real time. With this in mind, I have decided to really give more of myself. With this effort, I hope to connect and grow closer to you all as well as actually getting to know myself better through sharing. I also hope that through the transparency ahead, I inspire a little more love, and a little more light. Our world have been rocked with this new age of anger and anxiety, and even though I have found ways to combat the evils within, I know everyone isn't so lucky, So in the coming months expect to see a little more of me, the cracks in the pavement, as well as the flower that grows in spite of it.

I am going to be expanding on my creative and personal journey in life with "MeCENTRIC"! A solo podcast in which I celebrate the things I like, I love and the things I want to change in the world. Every now and again friends will also stop by to weigh in on the weight of the world from a creative perspective. I hope to reach people on a level of reliability, and speak to that part of yourself that you may not lend an ear too usually.

I also tap into my inner friend, and express my views on love, dating, and having sex in the current times, through my buddy podcast, "WITH THE SHITZ"! A project brought to life by myself and a good friend that goes by the name of NightShade. We always would think about how much fun it would be to share our conversations on the aforementioned topics with the world, and to be completely honest Nightshade is one the only people who truly can make me laugh until I cry! So prepare to laugh as you listen to us navigate our way through political correctness, and living in Trump's America.

Also I will be share more of my weekly experiences here on this blog. Monday's will now feature new content on the site, every week! Including playlist, photos, and photo stories, new episodes of the podcasts, videos, and written pieces, I really hope this journey will be as enjoyable for you as it will be for me! See you next week :) Peace & Light!

A new outlook, on the same man.

Relentlessly Yours,

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