"The only thing that stands between success and failure is risk!"
Rich Rocket is creativity unleashed. Growing up with very humble beginnings, Rich learned at a very young age how to resourcefully make something from nothing. Expression was second nature to Rich, even tho social normality and small town mentality keep his creativity at bay for most of his adolescence. After high school, Rich began his journey into higher education, and self exploration. He began working various jobs, to fuel his creative ambitions. In college he would get his first dose of event production, and hosting. He went on to host over 30 events in his short lived college career. Embracing his Journalism major, Rich also began writing for several local publications varying from print to web. He also ventured into local television, where he produced and hosted 2 Seasons of a public access show Reformed TV. During this time he also became aware of his graphic design ability. Originally out of necessity, Rich developed a love and passion for bringing visual concepts to life. After a bought with a former employer, Rich was thrust into entrepreneurship. He made the decision to capitalize on his many talents instead of putting them to work for a company that would only replace him.
Once he developed Rich Rocket Media into a sustainable Graphic Design business, winning “Graphic Designer of the year” from 2016 Titan Arts Awards, he decided to expand the brand, and developed his skills as a photographer, and creative director. Delivering quality portrait, lifestyle, fashion, and editorial photographs, Rich really allowed his eye to explode behind the lens, as well as in front of it. With his ambitions to understand a model’s perspective, he contributes to the body positive movement, showing the world that art doesn’t have a size requirement. A large part of Rich's power in front of the camera was lent from his personal style. Classically eccentric, with modern flare. After years of only admiring fashion, he decided to market his brand to the people, thus Vintage Thrivals was born. A clothing company that markets innovated, created, and vintage pieces while celebrating the coolness of today, the freshness of the 90's and the uniqueness of the 80's!
Through his photography, musing, and other creative endeavors, Rich wants to show the world that the limits you subscribe to are only enforced by you. Believe in yourself, and trust timing. Rich’s charisma, style and wit has put him on some of the largest stages in the DC, Maryland, and Virginia area. Including the Howard Theater, The Filmore, Baltimore Pride Stage, Baltimore Soundstage, and many more. RIch also mastered hosting small intimate events as well, including "SpeakEasy: Open Mic! Which he hosted, and produced for 4 years. “Whether its a red carpet, or a large stage, as a host my job is to make sure everyone wants to be my friend, if I leave that show and haven’t connected with one person, I haven’t done my job.” Rich also lends his voice through his writing, and podcasting. “In all things I create, the most important part, is telling the story.” Through features, and unique honors, Rich remains humble. His goal is to leave behind a legacy of creativity that will inspire the future generation to making lasting impressions, lasting impact, and a lasting imprint.
Recently Rich has been taking his talents on the road, traveling across to London where he took part in the House of Sedulo Nomadic Artist Residency! And most recently taking part in creation a custom collection and producing the opening Ceremony of the 2nd Annual "BLACK QUEER AF Music Fesitval! in Houston, Texas!
Rich Rocket has also focused his brand around philantrhopy. In 2020 he was able to raise $2000 for the Harlem Theater in Baltimore through a virtual showcase featuring artist and talents from across the United States called "ROCKETPALOOZA!" Through this effort and tireless works of the Baltimore Coalition for Positive Change, The Harlem Theater (in 2023) has been named a Historic Landmark. In 2022 he collaborated with Fearless Tech in Baltimore, MD to raise over $1000 for Safe Haven through the release of the "Love Collection"an original piece and t-shirt design that celebrates Love during the month of PRIDE. Rich is always creating and curating with community in mind.